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Dо you know that the smile is the first thing people notice about you?

Our mission is to give our patients the smile they`ve always dreamed of. A beautiful smile means health, and aesthetic dentistry is a dentistry of beauty. Do you want to get a more confident smile? Find out more about our services


The concept clinic means a team of leading dental professionals in the various fields of dentistry, working together for the achievement of one goal - a treatment of full value, delivering the highest standards of dentistry and exceptional customer care. Find out more about us


We use modern equipment from reputable manufacturers around the world and we continuously implement new technology, which guarantees high quality of service. Visit our gallery

Какво казват пациентите за нас

Професор К. КуртевСамо за шест седмици в “Smile clinic”, София невъзможното в Бостън се случи: здрави и бели зъби, уверена усмивка, липсват неизбежните бръчки около устата и което е по-важно – възвърна ми се самочуствието и удоволствието от работата със студентите, която така обичам. И всичко това на невероятно приемлива цена! Прочети още »

Професор К. Куртев, Бостън, САЩ

Address: Sofia, Strelbishte, 123 Nishava Str.
Phone: +359 02 869 11 96, +359 877 406 208
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working days 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Days off - Saturday and Sunday