Dr. Stoyan Mitev
Education and professional qualification
Dr. Stoyan Mitev was born on 28.02.1980 in Sliven.
Primary education - Russian language school "Dr. Ivan Seliminski". In 1999 he graduated with honors the English Language School "Zahari Stoyanov", the same year he started studying dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry, Medical University, Sofia.
He graduated as MA dentist in 2005. A year later he created Smile Clinic - Dental Clinic focused on the highest level of dental care and superior dental aesthetics. In 2009 Dr. Mitev won a state contest and began working as a resident at the "Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery" at the Military Medical Academy, Sofia. In 2012 he acquired a degree in "oral surgery". He has attended a number of postgraduate courses in Bulgaria and abroad. His experience as a trauma and plastic surgeon, combined with years devoted to aesthetic dentistry, determine his interests not only in the field of dentistry, but also in the field of facial aesthetics, as well as oral implantology in particularly severe cases.
Courses and qualifications
1. "Contemporary aspects of endodontic treatment and pin construction, and principles of aesthetics in ceramic constructions in the frontal sector" Prof. Dr. Jean Francois Lasserre and Prof. Dr. Jean Francois Pelli, University "Victor Segalen", Bordeaux, France 9 - 10.11.2002
2. "Contemporary dental implants. Opportunities and application of the TBR system" Ribaritza village 08.10.2004.
3. "Contemporary Aspects of Aesthetic Dental Treatment" Dr Bruno Ella, Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-22.09.2007.
4. "Extreme Dentistry" Dr William Dorfman, Sofia, Bulgaria 05.04.2008.
5. "Anesthesiology and Intensive Treatment" Nikolay Petrov Clinic of Anesthesiology and Reanimation at the Military Medical Academy, Sofia, 28.09.2009. - 12.10.2009
6. Sofia Dental Meeting 1-4.10.2009
7. „Interdisciplinary approach in managing complex esthetic cases" BGACD, Sofia, 7.11.2009.
8. "Topographic and surgical anatomy in the maxillofacial area," Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Member correspondent Prof. Vl. Ovcharov, PhD, 02/11/2009 - 16/11/2009.
9. "Oncology" Clionics of Hematology and Oncology at the Military Medical Academy, Sofia, Associate Prof. Y. Rainov, MD 22.12.2009 - 05.01.2010
10. "Biotec Dental Implants Training" prof. Francesco Vedove, M.D. 29.05.2010
11. Sofia Dental Meeting ; Sofia, Bulgaria 30.09. – 3.10.2010
12. „ Intensivseminar fur Zahnarztliche Implantologie" Dr.med.dent. Manfred Lang Clinical Associate Professor, IFZI, Nurnberg, Germany 18.10.2010
13. „ Restoration of patients with the SKY FAST&FIXED and miniSKY concepts" Dr Michael Weiss, Ulm, Germany, October 2010
14. Sofia Dental Meeting ; Sofia, Bulgaria 29.09 – 2.10.2011
15. „Esthetic Periodontology – Bone augmentation and tissue graft" Dr Presyan Krastev, Sofia, Bulgaria,02.10.2011
16. First National Congress of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery with International Participation. 6 8.10.2011 Varna, Bulgaria – lecturer
17. "Dental Photography" Dr. Nicholas Nikolov, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 11.02.2012
18. Sky Meeting 2012 „ Aesthetic Regeneration versus Functional Rehabilitation – is this a contradiction?" Munich, 27-30.04.2012
19. Sky Meeting 2012 „ Update on the GBR technique: Competition to own bone material?" Master Course Workshop, PD Dr. Dr. Daniel Rothamel
20. Greater New York Dental Meeting New York, New York, USA 24-30.11.2012
21. "Excellence in anterior implant. Esthetics: more biology in the clinic, more digital technology in the lab" Bernard Touati, DDS, MS, Private practice, Paris, France, 23.11.2012
22. "Esthetics, implants and occlusion for the modern practice" Henry Salama, DMD, Philadelphia, PA, Former Dir., Implant research center, Univ. Of Pennsylvania; Private practice 24.11.2012
23. "Innovative periodontics for today's practice" Samuel B. Low, DDS, MS, M.Ed. Prof. Emeritus, Univ. Of Florida; Pankey Institute 25.11.2012
24. "Laser periodontal pocket therapy – success with ND : Yag lasers" Raymond A. Yukna, DMD, MS Dipl. Amer.Bd. of Periodontology & Amer. Bd. Of Oral Medicine; Prof. Advanced Periodontal Therapies, Univ. Of Colorado 26.11.2012.
25. "Optimum implant esthetics through extraction socket grafting" Mario Vilardi, DDS Dipl. Amer. Acad. Of Periodontology, Private practice 27.11.2012.
26. "Anterior esthetics: problems & solutions" Larry Rosenthal, DDS, New York, NY, Private practice 28.11.2012.
Address: Sofia, Strelbishte, 123 Nishava Str.
Phone: +359 02 869 11 96, +359 877 406 208
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Days off - Saturday and Sunday
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