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Aesthetic Fillings

With our methods of work and modern photopolymer materials, old and colored fillings will be already a bad memory. We will choose the most suitable filling material to make you an "invisible filling" – a filling which you will not be able to distinguish from your natural teeth. When talking about adhesive restoration (aesthetic fillings), we must mention the work with a dental dam – a sheet of latex, completely isolating the tooth of saliva and moisture in the mouth cavity. Thus our working area is completely dry, which is a required condition to achieve good and long lasting results that are up to standard in terms of aesthetics and function.

Address: Sofia, Strelbishte, 123 Nishava Str.
Phone: +359 02 869 11 96, +359 877 406 208
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working days 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Days off - Saturday and Sunday