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Ceramic crowns and bridges

The metal base of metal-ceramics reduces light transmission through the construction, and results in ionic coloring of gums from the metal. This compromises aesthetics to a great extent. In addition, some patients may experience an allergic reaction or sensitivity to the metal. These disadvantages created conditions for the development of new all-ceramic systems that do not contain metal and have high resistance. With all-ceramic crowns, restoration of your teeth is in fact unnoticeable.

Pure ceramics gives opportunity for ideal aesthetics, warm neutral color and full preservation of the morphology and color of the gum. Zirconium technology allows even the largest bridge constructions to be fully ceramic.

Аt our clinic, you can feel the difference as precise work and your beautiful smile are our most important goals.

Керамични коронки и мостове Керамични коронки и мостове Керамични коронки и мостове Керамични коронки и мостове Керамични коронки и мостове Керамични коронки и мостове

Address: Sofia, Strelbishte, 123 Nishava Str.
Phone: +359 02 869 11 96, +359 877 406 208
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working days 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Days off - Saturday and Sunday