What exactly is endodontic (root canal) treatment?
Thorough preparation of the complex three-dimensional root canal system of the tooth (the endodont), its shaping and cleaning, is a crucial stage for long-term success of endodontic treatment. Preparation of the root canal is the most difficult stage of endodontic treatment, very labor consuming procedure which requires diligence and calmness on the part of the dentist and patience and willingness to cooperate on the part of the patient. The purpose of cleaning the root canal is reducing the number of microorganisms in the canal through circular scraping the infected dentin from the canal walls.
The root canal irrigation with antibacterial active and dissolving the tissues solutions is an essential part of mechanical treatment. It aims to influence the untouched walls by the round file of the three-dimensional root canal, the inaccessible areas for the file.
Even that root canal treatment is seen as a crucial stage of endodontic treatment, it is only one of the steps that the dentist takes in his efforts to protect and preserve the tooth of the patient so that it can continue to perform its function in the mouth and save the patient expensive (bridges, implants) constructions which will restore the miss of the extracted tooth.
The ultimate aim of the endodontic treatment is filling the root-canal system - biocompatible, hermetically sealing of the extended root canals to their top (physiological narrowing). Thus it is achieved an exclusion of the access of liquids or bacteria from the mouth cavity along the root-canal system. Good sealing of the root canals is often checked by X-ray photo where the root filling should reach the top of the root - it is traced as a white band (strong shadow), that is along the center line of the canal to the top of the root.
A patient with chronic granulomatous
localized periodontitis (granuloma)
Photo after an exact endodontic
6 months after treatment
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