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Orthodontics and children dental care

Детска дентална медицина

If you want your child to have a beautiful smile and healthy teeth, we recommend you to visit children dentist as soon as the first teeth appear. Thanks to proper oral health education and preventive dental care, you can help your child avoid developing painful caries, gingivitis and complications in the future. Our main aim is to keep children's teeth healthy by creating proper oral-hygiene habits (for life), a proper diet, fluoride prophylaxis, regular check-ups. Besides healthy teeth, well aligned teeth are also a precondition for a beautiful smile.

The examination with an orthodontist provides timely detection of tooth and jaw irregularities and abnormalities, bad habits (finger sucking, lip, etc.) and speech defects. Contemporary orthodontic treatment with removable or fixed appliances (brackets) ensures proper replacement of milk teeth; adjust the position of the teeth and jaws ratio. It is the most effective method which gives you the dream smile for life.

The behavior of the child when visiting the dentist depends largely on the behavior of the parents. If they are worried and scared, this condition is transferred to the child. Therefore, the preparation should begin at home. Children should be aware and understand as much as they can the importance of regular dentist visits. It will be good for the healing process if the child first visits the dentist to get familiar with the atmosphere without any manipulation being performed. The vicious attempt to restrain children by threatening them with "Uncle Doctor" is especially dangerous. Children have a very vivid imagination and they often make lasting negative associations. The rejection of such a concept is often impossible. The child must be aware of the upcoming treatments, to be convinced of their importance and to be encouraged and rewarded accordingly. Extreme forms of conviction intimidation, reprimand, loss of privileges should be used really as a "last resort"!

At Smile clinic, our team of children dentist and orthodontist gives your child the best dental care and a positive experience.

Address: Sofia, Strelbishte, 123 Nishava Str.
Phone: +359 02 869 11 96, +359 877 406 208
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Working days 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Days off - Saturday and Sunday